Too much to do, andSo little time for blogging.
I'll have to make due.
Well, it's been a really long time since I wrote anything on here, but that's okay, haha. I've been adventuring! The Canadians came, and we went quarry jumping, crazy caving (thanks to Mr. Sean Lewis for setting up a ridiculous trip :D), wandering around Bloomington... we also cooked a massive (I mean massive enough that I couldn't finish all the leftovers before they went bad) Thanksgiving dinner for Canadian Thanksgiving and watched War Games. So now I've finally seen it!
I've taken midterms, and I realized that different departments function differently. Up til now I've been doing all CS stuff, mainly, and not a lot of math, but I guess the Math department likes to kill souls. I know that I got a 73 on my Modern Algebra midterm, but that was actually pretty good compared to what other people got. This leads me to think that there is going to be some kind of grand, happiness-inducing curve at the end of the semester. :3 It's definitely stressful to try to think about that grade, though. But it's my favorite class! Augh!
Also, I've been doing CC stuff way too much. It's hard to manage my time when I spend 6 hours at the fricking data center in one night. Ridiculous. But it's sort of cool to learn how to install and optimize operating systems. I'd actually never installed Linux before... *ashamed face* But now I have!
The times that I see my roommates are becoming even fewer and farther between; it's sad. But it looks like my course schedule next semester should permit many more shenanigans. Woot! I actually am allowed to register for classes starting today, so I think I'm going to get on that.
One of the projects I'm working on for this semester is called Fluency, and it can be tested out at
this webpage. It's a pretty neat idea; a GUI builder for people who don't know how to program. The code that underlies it is a pretty massive mess. I started out by improving the text areas (I just did that last night), and I'm terrified to death to try to mess with all the Null Pointer Exceptions that pop up in it. But the project should be fun, for sure!
Also... umm... hmm... oh! I changed my mind on what I want to be for Halloween. I'm going to be the Silk Spectre from Watchmen. I'm pretty excited about it. I think I made this decision mainly because I got invited to a Heroes and Villains birthday party, and Daphne just doesn't really cut it as a superhero, haha. :) So that's going to be my project this afternoon.
This weekend is Homecoming, and I think it's going to be another football game that I don't go to. Oh well. I'll get to one eventually. I'm pretty excited about going rappelling tomorrow, though, in stead of going to the game. Wewt!
Oh! And elections! I'm TEH PSYCHED about the elections. I had my mom buy me a sweet shirt recently: Bigfoot-Nessie 08--Change you can believe in! ^____^
I'll try to be more diligent about writing this in the future, but no promises! It's sort of fun to try to remember everything I've been up to, anyway. Sort of. :P